Writing for the Long Tomorrow
I wrote this piece for the Colorado Christian Writers Conference contest, prose category. Although it didn’t win, I view it as the reason for and a reflection of my desire to write for the Audience of One.
Writing for the Long Tomorrow
Darkness licks at the remnants of a once proud city, the wind whispering lamentations through its corpse. The fragrant stench of death permeates every square inch, ruling over the ghosts of long-gone gods. Inhibit truth and life ebbs, awash in despair.
The Audience of One points me here, a daily reminder on my journey toward the long tomorrow. Through tempests and deserts, barren winters and silent chasms. Through refining fires and tumultuous seas of adversity.
At any other time, my inkwell would run dry. Octavius Winslow spoke of King David whose pen never wrote more sweetly than when dipped in the ink of affliction. Christ likewise sets before me bountiful provisions, calling me out of eternal slumber. He calls me to a life of moving His Light and Truth across the page.
My sustenance, streams of living water, meditating upon His Word day and night. My desire, to proclaim His glory, His beauty, to all the people, to shine at midnight as I await His dawn.
To shout into the void and testify to Christ’s faithfulness, covering my ears to the empty echoes of the world.
I am a writer, living for the long tomorrow, traversing the muck and the mire, the cold, empty darkness, the mirage of the City of Man. In the distance, I see the City of God in beautiful raiment. And I lift my eyes to the Audience of One. His Word speaks to my heart, to my life, to my pen.
Would that I glorify Christ in all that I am and all that I write, casting aside every fear of tearing down strongholds built by men.
Through affliction, He has both emptied and filled me for I lack for nothing. Hidden in Christ are all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, and He has equipped me with everything I need to give the reason for the hope that is within me. He has given me a voice and a purpose.
To the long tomorrow, I set my eyes and quicken my pace. Though storms and doubt are sure to assail me, I keep in my heart the reminder that everything I do is for Christ alone. Not for acceptance and acclaim from men, but to the glory of the One who is my everything.
I am a writer. A storyteller. An encourager. A herald. His law, written upon my heart, grace has left its indelible mark. With these in mind, I seek to inspire, to touch, to beautify this fallen world with my words, speaking of Christ and His love, weaving a tale of mercy and redemption.
To Christ and Christ alone, for the eternal and indestructible. For righteousness and grace. That the whole world may hear, may see, may walk in the Light.
Darkness prevails but for a moment. To the Audience of One, for the long tomorrow, I set out, pen and parchment in hand. I have a story to tell.
It is midnight and His glorious morning approaches.

C. L. Stansberry is a Christian speculative fiction writer and blogger with a desire to exalt the Lord Jesus Christ and make Him beautiful and glorious in the eyes of the people.

One Comment
Truly beautiful. Your HEART speaks boldly of the giving of glory and praise to the Audience of One. I am in no doubt that He blesses each time you write for the long tomorrows that dawn. I have read and reviewed countless Christian books and devotionals. I am waiting on His time and way and if it be His will, my poems and book will be published some day. Thank you for sharing.