About C. L. Stansberry

Cheryl Stansberry, also known as C.L. Stansberry, is a Christian writer and book hoarder who delights in history, literature, and theology. She is pursuing her passion for storytelling through her Creative Writing and English major at Southern New Hampshire University. When she’s not extolling the exemplary virtue of procrastination, you can find her under piles of notes working on her novel. Cheryl makes her home in Central Montana with her husband of twenty-three years and three living children. Her son, Joshua, awaits her on the other side of eternity.

Why I Write
I write primarily to honor and glorify God. Nothing else approaches in importance. Secondly, I write to inspire. If my writing has not touched the hearts and lives of my readers, I have not done my job.
Work in Progress: Midnight at the Fountain of Joy
Writing Groups I Belong to
I’m a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Realm Makers.
If you have questions or would like to drop me a line, you can contact me here: